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▲哎呀呀!小龜使出「吃奶的勁」才成功翻身。(圖/翻攝自Adelaide Zoo)
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澳洲阿德萊德動物園(Adelaide Zoo)月初驚喜迎接「澳洲短頸龜」寶寶誕生,18日園方上傳小龜第一次游泳的影片,原來小傢伙第一次學游泳是從「跌入水中」開始的!澳洲短頸龜被世界自然保護聯盟列為「極危」,動物園積極復育,每個新生命都常珍貴。
這隻澳洲短頸龜1日破殼而出,保育員發現時嚇了一跳,因為短頸龜的繁殖期間通常在4 月左右。現在小短頸龜大約只有4.5公克,身長不到3公分,但是每天都在越長越強壯。在野外,澳洲短頸龜已經是「極危」狀態,在1980年代中期就剩不到50隻,而阿德萊德動物園致力於復育工作,從2012年至今養大16隻,其中9隻已經依照保育計畫野放。目前動物園的爬蟲類團隊仍繼續期待4月份會有更多小龜破殼,成為珍貴的生力軍。
Western Swamp Tortoise hatchling at Adelaide Zoo
This incredibly rare Western Swamp Tortoise hatchling went for its very first swim this week! Hatching on 1 February, the tiny tortoise surprised keepers, making an early entrance well before the species' usual hatching season around April. Smaller than a 20 cent coin, the youngster weighed just 4.5 grams when it hatched but is growing stronger and bigger every day - blissfully unaware of just how important its arrival is for this critically endangered species. Endemic to Western Australia, this rare reptile is in serious trouble in the wild, with less than 50 individuals estimated to have been in the wild in the mid 1980s. Zoos SA is proud to be working to secure a future for the Western Swamp Tortoise. Since 2012, we're proud to have successfully bred and raised 16 Western Swamp Tortoises, with 9 already making the journey back to Western Australia to be released into the wild as part of a vital conservation program. Read more: www.adelaidezoo.com.au/western-swamp-tortoise-hatchling/
由 Adelaide Zoo 貼上了
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